Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices of Learner-Centred Grammar Teaching Methodology in Selected Secondary Schools of Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne


  • Tamirat Tesfaye Madda Walabu University Author
  • Abebe Gebretsdik Author




Grammar, Learner-centred Methodology, Perceptions, Practices



This study attempted to investigate teachers’ perceptions of learner-centred grammar teaching methodology and their classroom practices. To collect data, three schools were randomly selected in Oromia Special Zone surrounding Finfinne, Ethiopia. The researcher used a mixed approach that included a questionnaire and an interview. In order to fill the questionnaire, twenty-four English teachers were selected using census method since it was manageable.  For an interview, four teachers were selected using purposive sampling. The findings of the study revealed that teachers have clear understanding towards learner-centred grammar teaching methodology. However, implementing the methodology was difficult because teachers usually focus on teaching grammar through presenting rules first followed by practicing the examples. In addition, students’ reluctance in actively participating in classroom discussion and fear of making mistakes were other problems. In order to create awareness in the implementation of a learner-centred method in grammar lessons, the concerned bodies like Woreda Education Office, Regional Education Bureau and Ministry of Education should prepare trainings for both teachers and students.  


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How to Cite

Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices of Learner-Centred Grammar Teaching Methodology in Selected Secondary Schools of Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne. (2024). RATE Issues, 31(1). https://doi.org/10.69475/