The Digital Laureate: Examining AI-Generated Poetry
AI Poetry, ChatGPT, AI and Literature; English Literature; Authorship; Poetry AnalysisAbstract
This study explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative expression, focusing on the
emergence of AI-generated poetry. It overviews existing literature on AI and its integration into
literature, emphasizing AI poetry specifically. At the heart of this study are three poems generated by the
AI model ChatGPT 4. Through a critical analysis of these poems and their prompts, the study found that,
to a certain extent, AI can mirror human poetic expression producing complex poems with numerous
literary devices. However, AI’s creativity is constrained by training material, prompts, and prompters,
signaling both AI’s potential and limitations in shaping contemporary poetry.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Elena Shalevska (Author)

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