Exploring EFL Teachers’ Instructional Roles in the Application of Reading Strategies: A Qualitative Study





Application of Reading Strategies; EFL Teachers; Instructional Roles


This study aimed to scrutinize EFL teachers’ instructional roles in applying the pre-, while, and post-reading strategies in reading comprehension classes. The study adopted an exploratory case study design. Using the convenience sampling technique, six EFL teachers were selected. The data collection method involved observations, and interviews. Using QSR-NVivo 10 software, the interview data were analyzed. The interview results show that participants apply pre-reading strategies to help students minimize comprehension barriers, predict the passage, and activate their background knowledge. Besides, during reading, they organize the students to read and comprehend the passage silently and individually and do comprehension activities. After reading, the participants assign students to do comprehension questions both in the classroom and at home. However, the observation data showed that they infrequently implemented the pre-, while, and post-reading strategies. In light of the results, the study concluded that the participants did not have consistent instructional roles in applying the reading strategies. The situation calls for in-service training, and workshops for EFL teachers in the target secondary school.

Author Biographies

  • Solomon Woldetensay, Woldia University

    Solomon Woldetensay is currently doing his PhD in ELT at Addis Ababa University. He received his BED degree from Mekele University, Ethiopia. He also received an MA degree in TEFL from Wollo University, Ethiopia. He is a lecturer at Woldia University, Ethiopia. His research interests include action research, mixed-ability EFL classroom teaching, and reading comprehension strategy instruction.

  • Dr.Berhanu Bogale, Addis Ababa University

    Dr. Berhanu Bogale is an instructor and researcher at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. He did his PhD in Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Addis Ababa University/Lancaster University-UK Sandwich Programme. Some of his publications appeared in different reputable journals


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How to Cite

Exploring EFL Teachers’ Instructional Roles in the Application of Reading Strategies: A Qualitative Study. (2024). RATE Issues, 32(2). https://doi.org/10.69475/RATEI.2024.2.4