English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Written Corrective Feedback Literacy: Its Role in Improving Students’ Writing Skills
Written corrective feedback, feedback literacy, uptake of feedbackAbstract
This paper studies the WCF literacy of EFL writing teachers and its role in improving their students’ WCF literacy. The study aims to investigate the EFL teachers’ written corrective feedback literacy competence and their actual performance with regard to WCF provision. The study employed a case study design with in mixed research approach used self rating questionnaire and in depth interview. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Thus, it was found out that the EFL teachers have a moderate level of WCF literacy on knowledge and value about written corrected feedback and scored the least on the third component of teachers WCF literacy indicator. They lack knowledge about relevant strategies for giving effective feedback.The teachers’ capability of using effective WCF provision strategies in the writing lesson, was found out to be the area the EFL teachers showed the least capable. Limited or no opportunity to the students to clarification and discussion on the feedback, delayed feedback that limited the students’ opportunity of learning from their errors and rare follow up by the teacher on the students uptake of feedback were the major challenges hindering the effectiveness of WCF. The finding of the study indicated that the teachers attributed their lower WCFL competence to inadequate training on the WCF and high workload.
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