The four organisations making up RATE
To be a part of RATE, teachers of English can join one of the regional associations in Romania.
Moldavian Association of Teachers of English
Regular events:
•Alexandru Vornicu Contest, addressing students from grade 7 to grade 12 – 800 participants (Spoken English, Creative Writing, English on Stage)
•Annual teachers’ conference
MATE President: Camelia Arhip -
People who wish to become members of MATE are invited to fill in our registration form linked here. Members are expected to pay their annual fee of 75 RON by May 1st for the current school year in the association's bank account opened at BRD Iasi, IBAN RO89BRDE240SV66051302400. Teachers are kindly invited to notify MATE secretary Dana Busuioc of all payments at
MATE is governed by its constitution (statut) as a founding document. Only teachers who are active in our association and have paid their annual fee will get access to our mailing list, matenews.